Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Christina Aguilera Issues A Statement About Her Separation From Jordan Bratman

Earlier today we learned the surprising news that married couple Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman have been separated for some time now and I guessed that one or both of the would be issuing an official statement on the matter sometime today. And right on cue, here is the very short official statement from Xtina [...]

Taylor Lautner has one, the cast of Glee has one and even Betty White has one … now Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has his very own comic book title. Zuckerberg, who is getting a lot of attention these days due to the release of the David Fincher film The Social Network, is featured in a comic book published by Bluewater Productions … here is what it will look like:

As the brains and driving force behind Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has become the youngest billionaire in the history of the planet. As this comic reveals, the road for the success for both his creation and him personally was not preordained nor was it always a smooth ride. He would be tempted with unimaginable amounts of money and have to deal harshly with people along the way – many of whom would later feel betrayed. Read how a young man’s frustration with women helped spark an idea that would have him dating Victoria’s Secret models and how a socially inept young man wound up creating a company that has revolutionised the way hundreds of millions of people all over the globe socialise with each other.

So yeah, this is basically the comic book version of The Social Network. So, how does the comic book compare to the film? Find out, after the jump …

Ugh … based on just these 2 pages, it’s clear that the comic book version of the founding of Facebook is not as compelling as the film version. Still, if you’re a Zuckerberg fan this might be right up your alley. So yeah, I’m thinking the only Zuckerberg fans out there interested in any memorabilia would be Mark‘s mom and dad.


Ulysses Grant
Pieter Bruegel
John Sargent
Dwight Eisenhower

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