Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore Renew Vows In Israel?

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have been in the tabloids recently with stories of Ashton cheating on the beautiful actress, but new reports say the couple is in Israel working on their marriage. Star magazine has published reports of Ashton Kutcher cheating on Demi, with sources now saying the couple is on a spiritual journey [...]
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Disney star Miley Cyrus has come under fire from parenting groups who take issue with her sexy new music video, which shows her writhing around on a bed.  Read more and see Miley’s new video for yourself below!

Singer Miley Cyrus has found herself in hot water yet again after parenting groups href="">have a problem with her racy new music video.

In Cyrus’ video for “Who Owns My Heart?”, the 17-year-old singer is shown blindfolded and grinding in just her underwear.

The president of Parents Television Council, Tim Winter, says the video shows the wrong message to Miley’s young fans.

Tim Winter told, “It is unfortunate that she would participate in such a sexualized video like this one.

“It sends messages to her fan base that are diametrically opposed to everything she has done up to this point. Miley built her fame and fortune entirely on the backs of young girls, and it saddens us that she seems so eager to distance herself from that fan base so rapidly.”

Check out Miley’s new video for “Who Owns My Heart?” and let us know if you find it too sexy?

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Fernando Botero
Man Ray
William Bouguereau

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