Friday, December 31, 2010

Lethal Weapon Movies - Remembering Riggs

While we are all familiar with digital out of home (Dooh) and outdoor digital signage used for marketing, branding, promotion, advertising and information, there are other far less utilitarian uses for digital screens. With the rise of touch screen and tablet computers like the iPad, digital screens are being used in the art world - not only to display artists work, but also to create it. This has proved a fantastic medium for displaying and creating art and has even been taken up by some of the big names in the art world.

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Ryan Reynolds & Scarlett Johansson Reunite In NYC

Last Tuesday we learned the sad news that married couple Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson decided to end their marriage and a couple of days later, Scarlett showed up in Jamaica with her BFFs in an effort to get away from all the media attention. This weekend, she made her way back to NYC and [...]

Kevin Federline rounded up his children with ex-wife Britney Spears — sons Sean Preston and Jayden James — and his ladyfriend Victoria Prince for a family outing in Chatsworth, CA last week so that the family could pick out an Xmas tree. Here are a few photos from the fun family outing:

These are really cute photos, y’all. I am just amazed at how big both Sean P. and JJ keep growing! And, in all honesty, I must give some credit to their father K-Fed. For the most part, my beef with the man has been over the way he has continued to leech off of his famous and very wealthy ex-wife but for the better part of the last year, he has remained off the radar and seems to have finally settled into a quiet life of fatherhood. Even his relationship with Victoria Prince seems to be stable and happy and, well, I can’t really think of a bad thing to say about either of them. While I have never been an K-Fed fan, there have been glimmers of hope that the guy might turn out to be a decent person … for some time now, it appears that the guy has finally grown his ass up. While it’s unfortunate that the children have to be shuttled back and forth between their parents, I understand the relationship that Britney and Kevin share is one that is friendly enough so that their children never get caught in the middle of any drama. I’m not saying I’m a bona fide Kevin Federline fan but I can now appreciate that he seems to have matured enough to not warrant any personal attacks. I just hope he continues to be the best father he can be to his sons … if that is his main goal, then he’s deffo got a fan in me.

[Photo credit: GSI]

Georgia Okeeffe
annuaire sante
Joan Miro
hypnosis directory
Maya Angelou

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tony Romo & Candice Crawford Are Gettin’ Hitched!

Congratulations are in order for Dallas Cowboys quarterback (and famed ex-boyfriend of Jessica Simpson) Tony Romo and Candice Crawford because today we learn that the couple have gotten themselves engaged to be married! As you may recall, Tony and Candice (younger sister to Gossip Girl‘s Chace Crawford and 2008 Miss Missouri) started dating shortly after [...]

After spending about 16 hours unconscious yesterday, I am happy to report that I am feeling a smidge better today. I’m not sure what the heck is going on but this is the second time I’ve come down with a 24-hour bug that really knocked me on my bum. Yesterday was a pretty hellacious day and the only way to not suffer was to be asleep. The body aches stopped at around 8PM last night but I slept the rest of the night away in the hopes that I would wake up refreshed. I wouldn’t say I’m feeling refreshed exactly but I am feeling a million times better. I’m deffo on the upswing and that is the best news ever. If I continue to keep feeling better, David and I are still planning to make our way to the Orpheum Theater in downtown LA to see Peaches live in concert:

I’ve been a fan of Peaches for many years now so I’m excited to see her live on stage again. She is performing a show titled Peaches Christ Superstar that I’ve heard is pretty fantastic to see. I’ve deliberately stayed away from any show spoilers so I’m really looking forward to seeing what she’s got in store for us. To be honest, if it weren’t for tonight’s show, I’d deffo be staying my ass in bed … but it’s Peaches. I gotta see this show.

And so … another Friday is upon us again. This weekend is the last weekend before Xmas so … I hope all y’all make the most of it! Happy Friday, Happy Weekend!!

ezine articles
marketing tools
Leonardo Da Vinci
project management training
Alexander Calder

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Teaches Of Peaches

After spending about 16 hours unconscious yesterday, I am happy to report that I am feeling a smidge better today. I’m not sure what the heck is going on but this is the second time I’ve come down with a 24-hour bug that really knocked me on my bum. Yesterday was a pretty hellacious day [...]

Sonia Delaunay-terk
internet news
Frank Wright
Hot newscast for you
Edward Burne-jones

Cher Lloyd To Get Her X-Mas Spirit On With Kate Moss

X Factor contestant Cher Lloyd got an early Christmas present: an invitation to Kate Moss' annual Christmas party.

A friend said when Cher received the invite, which was personally designed by Kate's boyfriend Jamie Hince, she "couldn't believe her eyes".
Like us, Kate was wowed by the singing sensation from the very beginning and even saw a [...]

Cameron Diaz vacationing with Alex Rodriguez and his children, Natasha and Ella, down in Mexico!

She's already spending time with the kids? Things must be getting serious.

James Polk
internet news
Andrew Wyeth
internet news
Ab Lincoln

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Les News, 122010

The FBI is “looking into” Lindsay Lohan‘s stalker scare. President Obama plans to sign the just passed legislative repeal of the US Military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy on Wednesday. Harrison Ford is ready for Indiana Jones to die. Do you KNOW who Prince William is?!? Lady Gaga spills more deets on her upcoming new [...]

The Associated Press has just announced that they have selected the fantabulous Betty White as their 2010 Entertainer of the Year. I wholeheartedly concur. Discuss.

Ben Franklin
The world of info
Al Capone
ezine articles
Juan Gris

Monday, December 27, 2010

‘Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark’s Technical Woes Get The Animated Treatment

The industrious folks at Next Media responsible for all those timely and very entertaining animated news clips about the various scandals and foibles that celebrities have recently gotten themselves involved in, have turned their attention to the embattled Broadway show Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. As usual, the clip chronicles the story pretty descriptively and [...]

Jan Vermeer
The world of info
William Clinton
Hot reports for you
Helen Keller

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christina Aguilera Comes Home To Max Liron For Xmas

When last we saw photos of Christina Aguilera, she was celebrating her 30th birthday with her new love interest Matt Rutler as the pair toured Europe together on Xtina‘s Burlesque promo tour. Today we get to see photos of Xtina back home here in SoCal with her son Max Liron as the pair ran around [...]

Yesterday was a gloriously warm, sunny and RAINFREE day here in LA and David and I made the most of it. Since this is the first year we are spending Xmas together (as opposed to with our families on opposite ends of the country), we decided to keep things really quiet for just the two of us. We started out the day with an Xmas Eve brunch of Aussie Cheese Fries from Outback Steakhouse … and the day just got better from there.

After we stuffed our faces with cheesy deliciousness at Outback, we went for a walk together to enjoy the beautiful weather. After we came home to relax for a bit, we made our way to La Boheme Cafe in West Hollywood, CA for a lovely Xmas Eve dinner together. Then we came home to watch a few Xmas specials on TV … naturally, A Charlie Brown Christmas was top on our list. We fell asleep watching White Christmas and, well, that was our night. Altho it sounds like any of our regular nights together, this one was really special … in fact, any night that David and I get to spend together is a special night. I hope your Xmas Eve was just as special for you!! Happy Holidays!!!

Shaquille O'neal
internet news
Wayne Thiebaud
hearsay that counts
internet articles

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Author Of The Dirty Girls Social Club Calls TV Adaptation "Racist"

Oh dear.
Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, author of the New York Times Bestseller The Dirty Girls Social Club, is calling the TV adaptation of her book "racist, adding that her beloved characters have become "bastardizations" of her original vision.
After getting a hold of the script from an NBC employee, Alisa has said that the series "holds zero appeal [...]


After performing in her pantomime production in Liverpool on Thursday, Pamela Anderson signed autographs for several adoring male fans.

Ha. One even got his chest signed!

Give 'em what they want, honey.

[Image via]

Horace Pippin
internet articles
Ben Franklin
vaincre sa timidite
James Garfield

Friday, December 24, 2010

‘The Pee-Wee Herman Show’ Will Return To HBO

Happy news for fans of Pee-Wee Herman!! The Pee-Wee Herman Show, which is currently on Broadway after a very successful run here in LA at the start of the year, is coming back to TV. HBO announced today that they will film one of the Broadway performances of the show for broadcast on their network [...]

While much of the US is dealing with bitter cold and Europe is dealing with tons of snow, we here in SoCal have been getting drenched for the past week by continuous rainfall. I’m not even exaggerating, the rain hasn’t stopped falling for days (and we’re due for another 12 inches today and tomorrow)! Still, Xmas shopping stops for no man … or celebrity. Happily marrieds Heidi Klum and Seal dug out their umbrella and slipped on their rubber boots to do a bit shopping here in LA yesterday.

This kind of rain isn’t really new here in SoCal, despite the fact that people always like to forget. It may not rain here for most of the year but when it does rain (in the Wintertime) it tends to pour for days on end. I came home from a long visit to NYC when David was still living there to find half of my living room carpet soaked because water had seeped in under the wall. BUT, despite the rain … people are getting out of the house to take care of things. I’ve never seen so many umbrellas in LA before … but people do own them. With four kiddies and countless family and friends to shop for, it’s really cool to see Heidi and Seal braving the rain to do their own shopping (rather than sending out assistants and lackeys to do the dirty work). I predict the rain will stop falling by Xmas this weekend … at least, that’s what I’m asking of jolly ol’ Saint Nick.

[Photo credit: INFdaily]

Martin Van Buren
guide voyage dubai
programme minceur
Edouard Manet

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Official Prince William Wedding Memorabilia Is Now Available For Sale

Hear ye! Hear ye! The royal wedding of Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales and his longtime girlfriend Catherine Elizabeth Kate Middleton (who were spotted out on the town in England over the weekend on their first official outing since announcing their engagement last month) is only 4 months away … but the official [...]

And so … the rain continues to fall here in SoCal. I’m not gonna lie, while I can appreciate the change of pace … the continuous rain is starting to be a real downer. I spent all of yesterday holed up indoors, trying to stay out of the cold wetness inside … and also spent much of my time trying to extract the constructive criticism from some of y’all about your feelings regarding the new layout of Pink is the new Blog.

Believe me, from the bottom of my heart … I am very thankful for all the feedback … both good and bad. Yes, it is much easier to read the positive comments but the passionate negative comments are very enlightening. I’ve been blogging for a very long time. It started out as a hobby but over time it turned into a passion and has been my livlihood for quite some time now. While nothing would make me happier than to please all people, all the time … that simply cannot be. When I started blogging, there was no TMZ … major news publications never dared to lower themselves to the blog format … and it was pretty much the Wild West of the Blogosphere (oh yeah, we used to use that word, too). My initial blog format was to write one big, long post per day and squeeze in as much daily goss as I could in that one post. The only reason that was my format of choice was because my poor HTML skills wouldn’t allow me to do anything else. It took a long time for me to risk changing EVERYTHING into a totally new format a few years ago … and then again now. It’s clear that some folks don’t like this new layout, and I can totally appreciate that. I’m listening to the dislikes and working towards finding a way to find a middle ground … as I said yesterday, nothing is set in stone. At the end of the day, I still really love what I do. I still really LOVE keeping up on pop culture and celebs and sharing my thoughts on all the funnest stuff. That is what I have been doing since I started blogging and that is what I plan to do for as long as I can. Blog culture is so different now than it was when I started. Now, major corporations with seemingly endless amounts of money fund seemingly endless numbers of blogs. I’m still just one person. In order for me to be able to continue to do what I love doing … I need to grow, adapt, change. Of course it is not my intention to alienate anyone, least of all you beloved readers who seem to enjoy what I do … but in order for me to be able to keep on bloggin’, things gotta change from time to time.

To those of you sending in your well wishes, positive comments and love — words cannot express what that has meant to me in the past 24 hours. To those of you honestly sharing your thoughts — both good and bad — I honestly love you for taking the time to share those thoughts with me. My end goal has been and will continue to be to keep writing Pink is the new Blog. I’m happy and thankful for any and everyone who wants to keep reading along.

Diego Rivera
internet articles
Romare Bearden
vaincre sa timidite
Andre Derain

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eric Bana To Hunt Vampires?

Last we heard about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Tom Hardy was in talks to star as Abe Lincoln's unlikely vampire partner-in-hunting Henry Sturges.
Now, it looks like there's some potentially big news: Eric Bana is in talks to play the President himself, Abraham Lincoln!
If Bana and Hardy team up to hunt vampires on the big screen [...]

Adolphe Cassandre
The Wright Brothers
James Polk
Joan Miro

Justin Timberlake On Sci-Fi Movie Set

Last month, we posted some photos of Justin Timberlake getting his actor on with co-star Amanda Seyfried on the set of their new sci-fi film, Now.
We've got some new on set photos from Justin's film (below).
The film's story revolves around a future where people can live forever, but time has a price tag attached!
Between this [...]


Good lord!

Those PIERCING eyes! We go weak at the knees!


Check out the always-seksi Ryan Gosling looking especially delicious on the cover of this month's issue of GQ (above)!

Scruff? Check.

Smoldering stare? Check.

Impeccable jawline? Check.

Gratutious nudity? Yes PLEASE!

LOLz! Perhaps that will come along with Blue Valentine!

Here's hoping!


Trisha Rapier
latest news
August Macke
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Edward Burne-jones

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chatting With… Shannen Doherty (Part 2)!

So good!
In part 2 of our exclusive two-part chat with TV legend Shannen Doherty, we talk about…
Whether she would return to the revamped 90210, what's going on with the Heathers sequel and her thoughts on that, what she does on her spare time, why she's getting her pilot's license, her future and more! Check it [...]

new smurfs movie poster artwork revealed

Check out the new poster (above) for the upcoming Smurfs movie!

Should be fun to see what kind of mischief the little blue guys, and little blue Katy Perry get into in NYC.

Can't wait!

Dolley Madison
gagner de l'argent sur internet
Amelia Earhart
Gifts for Valentines Day
Albert Einstein

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sienna Miller & Jude Law Moving In Together!

Sienna Miller and Jude Law have taken a big step in their romance by purchasing a London home together. Sienna Miller and Jude Law have revived their relationship after calling off their engagement in 2006 after Law’s affair with his children’s nanny came to light.  But the couple reunited in 2009 and have now moved [...]

James Polk
Antoni Tapies
online greeting cards
Alphonse Mucha

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jon Favreau Out As 'Iron Man 3' Director

FROM SPLASH PAGE: There are countless reasons as to why the "Iron Man" film franchise has been so successful since launching in 2008, with director Jon Favreau being one of the most essential ingredients. Naturally, then, it's troubling to hear that Favreau won't return to direct "Iron Man 3."
Vulture reports that the director of the [...]

Francis Bacon
sexual harassment
Thomas Jefferson
devenir riche
Luther Vandross

Saturday, December 18, 2010

X Factor's Rebecca Talks Xtina

After rumors swirled that Christina Aguilera reportedly acted like a diva on the set of X Factor, contestant Rebecca Ferguson talks about rehearsing their duet for the show's finale.
She says:
"She's an amazing artist. I was so starstruck. I still can't believe I got to sing with her. We rehearsed it through and I [...]

James Madison
Breaking news flash
The Beatles
James Polk
John Quincy Adams

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Black Eyed Peas Sued AGAIN Over Copyright Issues!

Wow! We've lost count how many times this has happened now!
George Clinton, a legend in funk music, is suing The Black Eyed Peas for allegedly sampling one of his songs on their track, Shut Up.
The song was first featured on their 2003 album, Elephunk, but has spawn several remixes since then, including one that appeared [...]


Oh HAWT dayum! That's one fine looking man!

Last night, Garrett Hedlund brought he personal brand of seksi to the premiere of his new movie Country Strong.

If he looks half as good in the movie as he did on the red carpet, we might have to actually go see it just to ogle him!

[Image via WENN.]

Wassily Kandinsky
Table etiquette
William Bouguereau
Modes et travaux
Alexander Calder

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Marc Cherry To Develop New ABC Drama

ABC must really like Marc Cherry!
The Desperate Housewives executive producer is developing a drama titled Hallelujah, which will center around Hallelujah, Tennessee, a small town that is being torn apart by the forces of good and evil.
When a stranger moves into town, the residents begin to have faith.
The drama is a product of Cherry's two-year [...]

sing off ratings go up again

The Sing-Off is on a serious roll!

The second season of the NBC singing competition show has continued to prove itself, with an impressive increase to 9.5 million viewers on Monday night.

Sing-Off totally rocked in the 18-49 age range, with a 3.3 rating, which was up 18 percent from last week's 2.8 rating.

Should be inneresting to see if ratings continue to go up for the next couple of shows.

Have U been watching The Sing-Off? Do U think it deserves all the attention it's getting?

Charles Lindbergh
Frida Kahlo
senior Ideal Home
Egon Schiele

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Girls More Likely To Be Overweight By The Age Of SEVEN!

Not good!
According to a new study by the Institute of Education, girls are more likely to be overweight than boys by the age of seven!
The statistics show that nearly one in four girls are overweight by that age, compared to one in six boys!
We think that parents need to pay much closer attention [...]


This is just deplorable! It's women like this that make it harder for others who are ACTUALLY attacked to get any real justice.

Heidi Jones, a weather anchor for WABC/Channel 7 New York, has been charged with filing a false report after telling the cops a man tried to rape her while jogging in Central Park.

Heidi, who can sometimes be seen filling in on Good Morning America, reportedly told the police that she was attacked over two months ago while out for a run. She claimed a Hispanic man grabbed her from behind and was about to rape her when two passersby came to her aid. She insisted that she saw the man again more recently, and that he threatened her,which is why she finally came forward.

But after some investigation and more questioning, Heidi confessed she made the whole story up.

Why? Because she wanted some sympathy to counter some of the grief she was feeling in her personal life. In other words, she wanted attention.

Well, that's she's got, but not the good kind. This afternoon, the local station will announce her indefinite suspension from her position, rumored to be the first step in firing her. If she is convicted of her Class A misdemeanor charge, she faces a year in jail or $1,000 fine.

We just hope she's learned something for all this. She better feel some serious guilt over playing such a malicious and awful game. There are women all across the world, struggling to deal with the torment of such an ordeal and as far as we can tell, she made light of their suffering.

Awful, simple awful .

Tom Hanks
gadget publicitaire
Wassily Kandinsky
Elegant Christmas Decorations
Joseph Albers

10 Trivia Night Tips - Pub Trivia An Entertaining Night Out

For many years the British seem to have become obsessed with the wildlife, flora and fauna of anywhere other than that of their own country. Trips to the Arctic wilderness have increased, at the same time us well travelled Brits visit Africa and India to witness what their natural world have, and go further afield to witness the vast Great Barrier Reef or wonders of Yellowstone National Park. But just recently there has been a renaissance in our interest in our own wildlife in the UK.

Will Smith
Information as it occurs
Faith Ringgold
marketing tools
Henri Lautrec

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Assistant Casting Director Kate Martineau Adams Advises Actors: Training and Preparation

If you are looking for a social get together with friends, pub trivia nights are coming back into fashion. It only takes one friend to discover a local venue with a regular trivia night to spread the word and organize a small team from their friends, work colleagues or family. So if you want a stimulating entertaining night out, why not give a trivia night a go? Stretch the brain, improve the memory, have a great night out and enjoy the company and conversation of friends. Here are 10 Trivia Night Tips for newcomers.

Ellsworth Kelly
Mary Cassatt
Prophet Muhammad
Woodrow Wilson
Henry Ford

Monday, December 13, 2010

LOL at British Situation Comedies

Many celebrities have died in tragic car crashes their lives swiftly taken without any notice. Some of the most memorable are those who did not live full and happy lives their images forever young set in the minds of millions and with the question of what might have been had they lived on. The below celebrities each contributed differently to the world, but all left indelible marks which inspired and entertained people from all walks of life.

Emile Nolde
baby sling
Edouard Manet
eau relaxante
Warren Harding

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Content Marketing for MLM

Britcom is a coinage made up to depict situation comedy made in the United Kingdom. This term is just used outside of UK since within the British flag, they are unsurprisingly just identified as sitcoms or situation comedies. Akin to sitcoms made in other nations, they are likely about workplace, family or other organizations in which a group of opposing characters gather every episode.

William Bouguereau
Richard Nixon
James Garfield
Sonia Delaunay-terk
Ab Lincoln

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ravana, the Legendary Ten Headed King Was Virtually a Scientist Above Scholar

Event tickets to concerts, sports, and other live events can be the gateway to memories that last a lifetime. If you and your friends and/or significant other are caught in the same old Saturday night rut of dinner and a movie, then seeking out tickets to live events is a very attractive alternative. Not only can you find access to your favorite bands and performers, you can also enjoy the wonders of the circus and even multi-day festivals.

Andy Warhol
Information as it occurs
Martin Heade
astuces web
Henri Rousseau

Friday, December 10, 2010

Superstar Autographs

Most people may see Ravana, the king of Sril Lanka in a notorious light. But most people do acknowledge his power of scientific and scholarly wisdom he used in a practical manner. He was deft in making best use of chemicals and gases including hydrogen for flying in air and other gases to even make people go mad with laughter and sometimes to affect enemy with gases he knew to use as weapons to make them see illusions, get confused and even soldiers in enemy were made to fall unconscious during battles.

Winslow Homer
Crispy information
Jurgen Schmitz
Inspiring news flash
Robert Rauschenberg

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tips on Making a Solar Pumpkin Light

A huge number of adults have taken action when it comes to satisfying their desire to play music by learning piano online. Your enthusiasm and your commitment is admirable. Many of you have had to endure a number of reservations about starting to arrive at the point you are presently at on your journey.

Charles Lindbergh
Information as it occurs
Sonia Delaunay-terk
marketing tools
Alicia Keys

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vincent Van Gogh - Bio

One of the people that gives pride to the Texas flag is country musician and actor Kenneth Donald Rogers, better recognized as Kenny Rogers. Throughout his career as a singer-songwriter, he has had 120 tracks that made it to the charts across different music genres. Just in the United States, Rogers has led the pop as well as country album charts for above 200 varying weeks.

Eddie Murphy
Information as it occurs
Sandro Botticelli
internet news
Malcolm X

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Top 5 Art Books

Paintings are the expressions of one's heart that get displayed in the form of art on canvas. Although there are many art portraits and oil paintings that have astounded us with their beauty over the years, there are some of them which leave an impression on our hearts and souls and these are the ones that become so renowned over the years, that they succeed in finding their place amongst the 'World's Top 5 Most Famous Paintings'. The Last Supper: This painting is an acclaimed masterwork of the renowned painter Leonardo Da Vinci.

Henry Ford
Hot hearsay for you
Russell Simmons
Babe Ruth
Pope Benedict Xvi

Monday, December 6, 2010

Diana - Death by Diversion

Movie Review: My words of wisdom on this one is leave it on the video shelf because if you wasted your dime going to a theatre I feel for you. It was tough enough to get through the long drawn out comedy, should have known Golf and Comedy, unless it was a Tiger Woods satire, jumping on the Tiger Woods shinanigans over last 12 months, I am sure that was the marketing ploy.

Coretta Scott King
Announcements for everyone
Hot reports for you
Man Ray

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - The Life and Times of Warren Zevon

There maybe more but there certainly are not less than SEVEN factors that played a key role in the death of Diana. Take away ONE of these factors and she would probably still be alive today. It literally took a chain of events to happen in the order that they happened for her life to end that night.

William Howard Taft
buy christmas lights
Mark Twain
Oskar Schlemmer

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Arts-and-Entertainment from

History is replete with ideas for a Halloween costume party beginning with the beginning...probably Adam and Eve or even a Caveman. Perhaps even back to primordial ooze. I wonder how I could make that one?

Babe Ruth
Jonathan Davis
Edward Jenner
Bob Dylan
Piet Mondrian

Friday, December 3, 2010

Top 10 Famous Last Words

Licensing art requires a system to manage important pieces of information so you don't have conflicting contracts and so you can forecast how to grow your business. There are two key categories of information to keep track of: art and licensees.

Mahatma Gandhi
Breaking news flash
internet articles
Pierre-auguste Renoir

Bonnie Blue Butler Passed Away (Again)

Famous last words can be funny, inspirational, prophetic or simply memorable. These are the lines of dialogue that seem to click in your mind and they become part of your life experience.

Francis Bacon
John Belushi
Bill Gates
Tony Smith
Dr. Seuss

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Grim Reaper - Angel of Death Or Just Bad PR?

There are a few things that you have to keep in mind if you want to do face and body painting. You need to plan ahead of time for the activity that you will do. You also need to use correct paints, sponges and brushes. Try to remember the tips to have a guide for the activity.

Leonardo Da Vinci
William Mckinley
John Waterhouse
Andrew Jackson
Teairra Mari

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do You Have the X Factor?

We have all heard of the Grim Reaper. In English, Death is often given the name Grim Reaper and since the 15th century, he has come to be a skeletal figure carrying a large scythe and clothed in a black cloak with a hood. He is also known as the Angel of Death thanks to the Hebrew Bible.

Edgar Degas
Amedeo Modigliani
Ray Charles
Franz Kline
Egon Schiele

On Being a Writer

What do New Yorkers know about country music? It does seem incongruous, the image of subway-riding, black-clad cosmopolitans tapping their toes to twanging guitars, banjos and pedal steels, but you'd be surprised how many New Yorkers love their country. Maybe it's the universality of the subject matter - we all have our hearts broken now and then, we all work hard for a paycheck that never seems big enough, and we all love to go out for a beer at the end of the day.

Christopher Columbus
Jimmy Carter
Juan Gris
Edward Hicks
Warren Harding

Monday, November 29, 2010

Learn to Play Classical Guitar

Donnie Yen's latest movie, The Return of Chen Zhen, is expected to hit the cinemas any time. If you don't know who is Donnie Yen, the following is some background about him.

Albert Einstein
Hillary Duff
Bow Wow
Edward Burne-jones

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cup Magic Is a Cool Magic Trick to Learn

Nothing beats the classics. Fundamentals will always be the building block of every structure. Learn to play classical guitar now and enjoy music at its very core.

Emily Dickinson
Jesus Christ
Edward Hicks
Zachary Taylor
Edgar Degas

Saturday, November 27, 2010

2010 Miss Universe's Spectacle of National Costumes

There are several cool magic trick series that can be performed using a cup. The following lines quote two tricks that can be mastered after practicing. The Three Cup Shuffle Trick is perhaps a cool magic trick that is known to everyone. It is commonly seen being performed by peddlers on roadsides as well as different experts on television. The basic idea behind this trick is to place a large sized coin into one of the cups which are facing upside down and then shuffling the cups.

Jasper Johns
Emily Dickinson
Wassily Kandinsky
Robert Rauschenberg
Martin Van Buren

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Esther Judas Story

Miss Universe, she's the most beautiful woman in the world. Just a week ago at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, on August 23rd, the Miss Universe Pageant crowned another lovely lady into this elite group of pageant royalty. While Jimena Naverrete, Miss Mexico, won the 2010 title and walked her victory walk down the stage and no doubt took home a ton of cash and fabulous prizes, some of the most memorable moments were from the parade of national costumes. The national costumes portion of the Miss Universe Pageant is not a judged event, but an much anticipated display of feathers, sequins and such that exemplifies each girl's ability to capture the spirit of her home country.

Robert Motherwell
Baby Shower in the Workplace
Robert Mapplethorpe
Faisan aux Ă©pices
John Constable

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Guggi Exhibition at John Rocha in London

She had made her peace with God, pure in heart, unknowing until he became a powerful man, but as I say, she did not know it and though he continually jeered at God, she was right. For until she moved away from him for good-mentally that is, she had eliminated from her soul, this disciple of Lucifer, then did she become radiant in God's grace once again. In the Christian way, she bared her soul in public, and she did it in a new world order arena, that had mocked the God-man on the cross. But let me backtrack, and bring you up to date.

Edward Poynter
Wedding weekend activity
Christopher Columbus
Légendes et féeries
Malcolm X

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Atlanta Area Fall Festivals

You can't think of something, until you've thought of it. This is the underlying limiting factor in artistic endeavors. It's impossible to stretch outside of your own head, to see concepts you've never seen, or to conceive of an idea that isn't merely a combination of old ideas.

Edward Jenner
Max Ernst
Julie Andrews
Condoleezza Rice
Jeanloup Sieff

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why Should Children Learn A Musical Instrument?

If you've got a guitar player on your shopping list this year for Christmas I've got some great ideas for you to consider. Whether their just starting or a seasoned player one of these ideas is sure to spark some interest.

James Monroe
Wedding guest books
James Garfield
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Pope Benedict Xvi

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Cool Place to Be - The Phoenix Art Museum's Creative Continuum

Planning the day you are going to wed your loved one is not an easy task and you will need the services of a consultant to help your day become a success. There are many companies that offer wedding planner services and you need to be very careful when you are selecting one so that your day can be a huge success. The first thing you need to get is a consultant who is well trained and has a good reputation on getting events together. You can get reference from people who have worked with them so that you can get quality services.

Joseph Turner
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Jean Dubuffet
Home Schooling Requirements
Sam Francis

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Win Free Stuff Guide - WinLegit

When it comes to the Big Easy, everyone knows that some of the most unique nightlife experiences can be had in the historical French Quarter. There is always a little something extra going on, especially at a New Orleans strip club. Read on to learn more.

Robert Motherwell
Will Smith
Albrecht Durer
Edward Hopper

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Avoiding Unwanted Background Noise When Recording Sound Effects

The legend about the treasure in "One Thousand and One Nights" has kept the Western people in suspense for lots of centuries in a row. This work of art was translated three hundred years ago and has been a mystery ever since. The Europeans saw the Orient as a fabulous land which hides endless treasures, the most important region being the Ottoman Empire, which breathes a royal air.

Marc Chagall
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Egon Schiele

Friday, November 19, 2010

Decorating - A Way of Living

Planning ahead can help you stretch your video market budget. See our tips for making the most of your video production.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Gun Cabinet Purchase: 5 Important Choices to Make Before Buying

Basic explanation of decoration do not only depends with the fact that it is a way of living. When decorating your home, you will be having the hindrances of choosing between function purpose and beauty of the things while also being limited by the space you may have. Bearing in mind that your life is a decorative endevour and all what you do in your daily activity is a way of decorating and explains more about yourself that your as you unique as you do you things.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Astrology: The Art of Lifting the Spirits of the Losers by Showing Them the Glimpse Better Future

Can you imagine how life will be without greeting cards for many special occasions? It is a heart warming feeling just to receive a card from someone special to us and what more if it is made personally by your host?

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It must be noted in the beginning, that I am not a professional astrologer. I am an amateur; therefore, I do not have people coming to me on regular basis. In fact I discourage regular inflow of people. I use whatever I have learnt to mitigate people's misery and ameliorate their lot. My whole idea behind the study of astrology is that if there is anything behind the jargon and abstractions that exist in astrology.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Theatre iPhone Apps

There are some things that you always need to remember if you want to learn face painting. It is an art that you can always do. You need to have the paints with different colors, the designs and enough practice to effectively do it. Try to remember these tips all the time.

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Famous People From Stoke

The art of pre-revolutionary France was decidedly frivolous in its subject matter and deliciously detailed in style. Paintings were commissioned by the wealthy for their grant chateaus and palaces in delicate pastel colors.

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Prohibited Activities in Acting Workshop

Are you planning a party at home? What are you planning for entertaining your guests? Take time to consider on various options and entertain your guests to the maximum. Nowadays, most people are opting for live DJ option.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

American Actress: Laura Innes

Jason Morgan is a movie and TV series actor, who was born on 17th February, 1980 in Los Angeles, California, United States. His parents are Nancy Morgan and John Ritter, who were both actors. He is the grandson of the actor/ musician Dorothy Fay and Tex Ritter.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Party Rentals to the Rescue

The best Digital SLR Camera can be spotted anywhere. There are stores where such cameras are sold in variety and quality, color and size. The cameras offer a wide range of features and every second one differs from the first. In the end, the choice that you make should be influenced by your photographic requirements. This should be given precedence over everything else.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Everyone Interprets Art Differently

Planning a party can put a lot of pressure on a person. The larger the anticipated crowd, the bigger load of stress. Party planners can run themselves to the ground trying to plan a party that will entertain and impress all of their guests, but they can save a lot of effort by using party rentals to do the work for them.

Tony Smith
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Arts-and-Entertainment from

Art is subjective. How we respond to a 'work of art' depends on many aspects and reflects our emotional response.

Michael Jackson
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Odilon Redon

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rapper 50 Cent & Talk Show Host Chelsea Handler Dating!

Comedian and talk show host Chelsea Handler and rapper 50 Cent are dating, a source confirms!  Read more on this new and interesting pairing below! 50 Cent  and Chelsea Handler, both 35, were spotted together in New Orleans on Saturday looking pretty cozy.  Now sources confirm the odd couple have been dating for a while [...]

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Issues surface when Derek's estranged sister visits unexpectedly.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You Can Do It! (Okay, Maybe Not)

The world's worst band is playing at a neighborhood fest/farmer's market one block from my apartment, but they're so loud that it sounds like they're playing right outside my window. I just ventured out so I could see what they look like and take a picture to show you, but as it turns out they're a group of down-on-their-luck teenagers playing plastic buckets and ginormous metal bazookas (which looks like trombones but aren't), so I felt bad and didn't do so.

But you know, this leads me to something. You want to encourage these kids and be like, "Keep playing your music! You can do it!" But at what point do you tell them they're awful? I mean, the neighborhood is suffering because of the noise. I have my TV turned up all the way to drown them out.

It reminds me of when I played the flute in the fourth grade school band. I thought we were amazing but then we had a concert. Afterward, when I asked my step-dad how we were, he laughed and said, "You sounded like the Charlie Brown school band." I was eight or nine years old at the time, but I was old enough to be told I sucked. I remember not caring. These kids are teenagers... I think it's time someone encouraged them to find another career path because this jam-band thing isn't working out.

(Btw, I couldn't find a clip of the Peanuts gang school band to show you, but you know what I'm talking about, right? They were horrible.)

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This might sound crazy but...

I blew off my shrink appointment this morning because it was raining outside and I didn't want to get out bed, so I'm just going to show up tomorrow at the same time and pretend they got the day wrong.

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This might sound crazy but...

I blew off my shrink appointment this morning because it was raining outside and I didn't want to get out bed, so I'm just going to show up tomorrow at the same time and pretend they got the day wrong.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kristen Stewart, Lady Gaga and Other Celebs: What They'd Look Like as 'Superman' Villain Zod

By now, you've no doubt heard that "300" helmer Zach Snyder has been confirmed as director of the Christopher Nolan-produced "Superman" reboot. You may also be privy to the rumors that Zod (aka the Kryptonian villain from "Superman 2") will be the film's big bad. What may have escaped your unfailing attention to detail, however, [...]

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Bill Gates
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Robert Doisneau
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Metal Bullets: Clips From the Front

Rockstar Energy Drink is getting ready to corner the metal touring market. On July 10 in San Bernardino, California they’ll launch this year’s Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival, which features Korn, Rob Zombie, Lamb of God, Five Finger Death Punch, Atreyu and others. And three days after the tour ends in Aug 14 in Oklahoma City, [...]

Woodrow Wilson
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Ashlee Simpson

'Cast in Metal: Airbourne Frontman Joel O'Keefe

If AC/DC aren't cranking out albums fast enough for you and Rhino Bucket don't get your engine revin,' then check out the new Airbourne album 'No Guts, No Glory.' The second disc by these Aussie/DC obsessives is a feast of sleazy, slammin' rhythms, jagged flesh-cleaving guitars and howled melodic vocals that sound like Angus-and-company on [...]

Roll over Betty Ford and tell Promises the news. A new rehab center in South Central, Pennsylvania called Clarity Way is providing its clients the use of an in-house recording studio and a music therapist. So now drug-addled artists can try to get clean and be productive at the same time.

The studio, which is equipped with Pro-Tools and other state-of-the-art gizmos, was built by Blind Melon rhythm guitarist Christopher Thorn, whose frontman Shannon Hoon died of a drug overdose in 1995. Thorn's sister is one of the co-founders of the place, which describes itself thusly: "a medically supervised premier holistic drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility... specializing in individualized treatment programs catering to clients battling all levels of substance abuse and process addictions (i.e. gambling and sex), Clarity Way is an oasis for recovery."

Maybe somebody should tell that to the guys who used to be in Oasis.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Celebrities On The West End Stage

The iPhone is among the most useful little gadgets that a person can own thanks, almost entirely, to the applications which owners can download and install with nothing more than a few prods and pokes. Sure, there's a lot of junk in the App Store but there are also a few gems which will help make any London theatre break even more enjoyable. From help navigating the Tube to a fun game to keep you busy while you're on it, our top three theatre-lovers' iPhone apps will help you make the most of your phone...

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hallowe’enTime Is Here Again

Because David had to leave town at the last minute yesterday morning I had to take care of a bunch of errands all day long, running around all over town. I hate scrambling for Hallowe’en costumes at the last second so I wanted to make sure that I picked up costumes for David and me [...]

Paul Cezanne
Project management
Louis Tiffany

Monday, October 25, 2010

Matt Damon Is Going To Be A Daddy For The Third Time

Matt Damon and his wife Luciana Barrosa are expecting a baby girl. The couple – who already have two daughters, four-year-old Isabella and two-year-old Gia, as well as Luciana’s daughter Alexis, 11, from a previous marriage – have revealed they are “thrilled” to be adding another girl to their brood. Matt said: “It’s a girl! [...]

The ‘Friends’ actor – who has been dating the photographer since 2007 and proposed to her earlier this year – tied the knot in a private ceremony in early June, his spokesperson has confirmed.

The 43-year-old actor met the British beauty, 25, in London, England, when he was directing ‘Run, Fat Boy, Run’ with ‘Hot Fuzz’ star Simon Pegg and she was working as a waitress at the Cuckoo Club.

David popped the question after the pretty brunette moved to the states to spend more time with him.

At the time they got engaged, a friend of his said: “David is smitten with Zoe and says she is ‘The One’. Things have moved very fast. He wanted to see how they got along living together and it has been a big success.”

It was the first marriage for both Zoe and David – who has dated a number of celebrity beauties, including Australian pop star Natalie Imbruglia and former S Club 7 singer Tina Barrett.

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Arts-and-Entertainment from

Technical illustrators make use of a number of advanced technologies and software to bring out brilliant visual impact to their novel ideas. Technical illustration is a field that is applicable in a number of areas.

Ray Charles
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spike TV Scream Awards 2010 Photos & Video

The Spike TV 2010 ‘Scream Awards’ aired live yesterday (Saturday, October 16) from the Greek Theater in Los Angeles. Check out some awesome photos, and video from the star-studded event below.

The ‘Scream Awards’ 2010 left us with a lot to talk about, or if you prefer SCREAM about! Kelly Osbourne made an appearance showing [...]

Have you heard of Dreams in the Attic star James Holzier? If you haven’t heard of him then I suggest you keep reading because James is a fabulous actor who is taking Hollywood by storm. Learn all about the guy that is being called Hollywood’s rising star, there are of course pictures and a video too.

James Holzier

James Holzier is Dreams in the Attic star and I am here to tell you that you should remember his name because he is about to become the new It Guy if you will. Hollywood is buzzing about this up and coming actor that is being labeled the hottest rising star and you my friends will want to be in the know when it comes to him.

In terms of a bio this is what we know about Mr. Holzier. The Virginia born Texas raised hottie has gotten the attention of not only the paparazzi but many celebrity gossip sites like Hollywood Dame and Hollywood Life. In fact recently named him one of the most popular emerging male celebrities. So why all the buzz well because he is super talented, super cute and becoming very in demand. He will be seen in the movie Life for Us which is currently in post production and he is up for the lead in the law thriller Playing the Card.

It isn’t just his professional life that is getting buzz his personal life is too. The actor that is certainly on Hollywood’s radar is also on the radar of many of Tinsletowns starlets. He has been rumored to be linked to the likes of Lilly Collins, Lyndsy Fonseca even Anne Hathaway.

James Holzier is Dreams in the Attic star if you haven’t seen the film you should check it out. I would also recommend you keep your eye on Holzier I have a feeling big things are in store for him. Enjoy the pictures and video.

James Holzier 2James Holzier 3James Holzier 4James Holzier 5

Photos courtesy of Debbie Perkins

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

First Look: Michelle Williams As Marilyn Monroe

Last month we learned that actress Michelle Williams (Dawson’s Creek, Brokeback Mountain) had been cast as Marilyn Monroe in an upcoming biopic co-starring Emma Watson and titled My Week with Marilyn and today we get our first look at Michelle as the iconic blonde bombshell herself. Additionally, we learn new casting news about the film [...]

Earlier today we learned that filming on The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn will begin in a couple of weeks but lead actress Kristen Stewart has already wrapped filming production on another of her films … and Hit Fix brings us our first look at K. Stew in a very un-Bella-like role in the film Welcome to the Rileys:

As I understand it, K. Stew plays a character named Mallory who is a very troubled young stripper. Thru a serious of events, Mallory gets nurtured by co-star James Gandolfini‘s character (Doug Riley) who takes it upon himself to help turn her life around. It remains to be seen if Stewart can bring the tortured nuances of this character to life on the big screen but I guess she’s gonna give it her best shot. In case you’re still interested, you can check out the trailer for Welcome to the Rileys after the jump …

It’s an interesting story … one that might actually get me to see it in theaters. What do y’all think … does this look like a worthwhile film to you?


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Sound Loss With Decreasing String Gauge?

I really wanted to find a program that would clean up my iTunes library automatically, and I found one. I gave it a try by downloading the free trial and I liked what I saw so far. I decided to purchase the full version and I'm really glad I did. Not only did it delete all my duplicate songs, but it also did a bunch of other cool things.

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